Archive for the ‘At work’ Category


Posted: April 18, 2012 in At work
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One of the byproducts of procrastination is not making  it to a deadline. To make that sound even more horrible, deadlines. Working on a lot of stuff at work and accepting too many commitments on freelance jobs seem a bit that easy at first, knowing that you’re good at what you do. Then, laziness strikes and everything stagnates on the corners of your dashboard or working table.

If you see it...

By the looks of it, that desk is probably having a heart attack right now.


One example of procrastination at work is this one. Right now I have three deadlines ahead but here I am, blogging about it. See how it works? Now what. Oh well, back to work.

Flash photoshoot (TS Style)

Posted: March 30, 2012 in At work
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Another deadline caught up on us. We were supposed to come up with an ad material for TS to be published on the souvenir program of the university.

The crime scene.

Jessan, Ash and Chad getting ready for the shoot.

We were at the office (Me, Ash, Brian Chad, Grace, Jessan, Nicole and Rizza) thinking of how the ad should look like (more…)